In today’s fast paced high stress world lack of sleep is a common problem. Unfortunately it can have a much greater impact on heath and body fat levels than most people realize
Not getting enough sleep or sleep-depravation has been linked to:
- Obesity
- Heart disease
- Arthritis
- Diabetes
- Cancer
- Lack of concentration and accidents
Lack of sleep alters ghrelin and leptin levels, both key hormones for appetite and energy expenditure. As you can guess not sleeping enough doesn’t affect these hormones positively and increased likelihood of weight gain results. Increased appetite and nighttime eating is very common for individuals who don’t sleep enough. This night eating further complicates the problem by accelerating weight gain and making sleep more difficult.
What to do:
- Try to establish regular times for both going to bed and waking
- Get the TV, cell phone and other electronic devices out of the bedroom. Avoid watching TV or using the computer for a few hours before going to sleep as the light from the screen stimulates the nervous system and can make falling asleep more difficult.
- Shut down Wi-Fi at night if possible.
- Curb or eliminate caffeine consumption. Start by eliminating caffeine after noon.
- Make the bedroom as dark as possible. Try an eye mask if not possible.
- Keep the bedroom cool.
- A quiet room is obvious. Try ear plugs if not possible.
- Exercise. Exercise has been shown to relax the body and improve sleep quality. Exercising right before going to bed can be counterproductive though. Try to leave 3 hours after intense exercise before going to bed.
- Use blue light blocking glasses if watching TV or looking at screens 2-3 hours before bed. Not a bad idea to wear them in general before bed.
- Try listening to relaxing music.
- Do some controlled breathing exercises like 4-7-8 breathing. Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 7 and let the air out slowly for 8 seconds.
- Try melatonin, 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), magnesium, or CBD oil.
- Try using a sunlight alarm or wake-up to relaxing music.
- If your mind spinning write down what you are thinking about. You don’t have to solve anything or make any major decisions but this activity can clear the mind and often the subconscious will straighten things out while you sleep.
- Avoid alcohol before bed.