
Ted Lawler

I’m a CFC CPT (Canadian Fitness Council- Certified Personal Trainer) with a bachelor’s degree in Phys Ed. After starting my career at the University of Manitoba as a trainer and physical health educator, I opened Complete Fitness Personal Training and have been working as a trainer, nutritional advisor, and lifestyle consultant for 24 years.

I grew up playing team and individual sports, was a competitive natural bodybuilder, and have always enjoyed active pursuits. These experiences, combined with my interest in nutrition and helping others, motivate me to build my foundation of knowledge every day so I can help my clients:

Whatever your fitness or nutrition goals, I am here to help you reach them.


My mission is to help my clients make good daily choices on the way to achieving and sustaining their personal health and fitness goals, all while enjoying the best workouts of their lives.

A few words from Ted

In my time working with clients I have come to believe that aging is not dependent on the number of years a person has been alive, but instead is a product of how they see their life and treat their body. Factors including exercise, diet, sleep, and ability to handle stress all contribute to health, physical appearance and mental outlook.

I take a lot of joy in seeing clients reach their physical goals and enjoy the benefits of living with more energy, strength and confidence. Hearing someone say they ran up a flight of stairs for the first time in a decade, went on a hike they never would have considered before, started playing a sport, or finally freed themselves from what was once chronic back pain is the most rewarding part of the job.

Today is the best day to improve your health, to take action and begin to change your body. It doesn’t matter what you did or didn’t do yesterday, how old you are, how busy you are, or how much easier it would be to wait until tomorrow. Today determines your health, your physical appearance, and your mental well-being. Learn from the past, plan for tomorrow, but begin your transformation—today.

Latest blog posts

Benefits of Exercise

“Physical activity is the closest thing to an anti-aging pill”– Health Canada  Exercise directly counters many age related factors including: Muscle loss Increased body fat

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with Ted

Start your transformation today!

Tailored corporate program

Intake Form

Start your transformation today!


Current Health Challenges

Support System and Significant Events

You’re Relationship with Yourself


Physical Activity

Diet and Nutrition

Sleep and Stress

Concluding Thoughts

Intake Form

Start your transformation today!

Diet and Nutrition

Physical Activity


Concluding Thoughts

Personal Training Questionnaire

Start your transformation today!