Resistance training, cardio workouts, walking to the car, vacuuming the carpet, or even just sitting at a desk is an opportunity to work your abdominal muscles. The key is to consciously Engage the Abdominals. Do this by contracting your stomach muscles as if someone were about to playfully punch you in the stomach then pulling your belly button in towards the spine.
- While resistance training
- Protect the spine and strengthen your abs purposefully engaging the abdominals while performing squats, pull-ups, push-ups, pressing movements, step-ups or lunges etc. Every exercise is potentially an abdominal exercise.
- During cardio
- Weather you are walking, jogging, riding a bike, or using a machine at the gym engage your abdominals and your will be strengthening them as you work your heart and lungs.
- Carrying a suitcase, groceries or heavy bag in one hand
- Always a great opportunity to strengthen your entire core area. When you pick the bag up and as you are walking focus on keeping you shoulders level (not leaning to either side). This will challenge your abdominals, especially your oblique on the opposite side form the arm holding the bag. Be sure to change hands to work the core evenly.
- Driving the car
- Only do this while stopped with the car in neutral! Try it at a red light. Forcefully engage your abdominals and push on the steering wheel with both hands. Use your abs to prevent your shoulders from pushing all the way back into the seat.
- Raking the lawn
- As you pull the rake in towards and across your body contract the abdominals. Focus on pulling with your abs
- Shoveling snow
- Engage the abdominals while pushing the shovel, picking up the snow, and throwing the snow. This will give you strong abs and protect your lower back at the same time.
- Sitting at a desk
- Engage the abdominals, straighten both legs and hold.
- Sitting at a desk
- Sitting on a couch
- Same as above. Try bending the knees and bringing them part way towards the chest for added challenge.
- Standing in line
- Engage the abdominals and lift one foot off the ground without moving the rest of the body.